Joined: November 6, 2009
Posts: 3
Posted: Post subject: Bleeding colors of insanity. |
Pure brokeness stands alone. Only love can break the bondries of heartache. This lesson was excessivly hard to grasp... And now I'm cold. I can so very easily manipulate you into loving me, but is it worth it at all if I dont love you? And when I know how it feels, why would I do it? So as easy as it would be, just to give me comfort I hold back and let go.
Broken hearts do not mend themselves instead one other who you rarely expect mends it for you..the only problem with this person mending you, is they now hold the ability to leave you once again. A broken heart can quite litterally cause insanity .. Think of all the jealous lovers in prisons across the world. Think of all the suicides over pains of the heart. Think of all the tears secretly shed. It's torture.
To love is a state of pure bliss and honest euphoria. To be wrenched out of this state, and brought to darkness, weilds a new definition of lonliness. Before you know love, being alone isnt really being alone, once you've felt pure love, lonliness becomes unbearable. Once you find love and it leaves, you search for it till you find it again, once you find it again you fear for the worst and fret causing the relationship great distress..which in turn leaves you empty again. Eventually after running this cycle a few times, you become numb, and unable to find this feeling. You begin to understand that the feeling will not return to you. And if it does once agian you know yourself well enough to know that it will not last. But secretly you long for and hope for the feeling to be real and the feeling to be true and whole once more. To you left with hope, I say good luck. I hope you just as I want to, find love. As hopeless as it seems...still carry on this small fragment of hope!